PBSC Ltd reveals new branding identity with a new website to follow

New Branding for PBSC

PBSC Ltd established in 1987 is the leading manufacturer of cleanroom, high containment, and material decontamination products. With an extensive product range, bespoke designs, and assembly capabilities to meet customer’s needs.

Providing high-quality products and services to the pharmaceutical, medical research, high containment, and hospital sectors around the world and has announced today the launch of its new corporate brand identity.

“Our logo required some updating”, commented Claire Barber – Marketing Manager at PBSC “While the name stays the same the colours and symbol change depicting pharma and our products. Our new identity shows a clean, modern, and professional approach which will also be shown in our all-new website coming soon”.

Jamie Davis – PBSC Owner commented “This is an exciting change for us, with our new logo and our new website which is in development now and should be ready by the end of the year. The new branding represents the focus on PBSC’s core values.  Having gone through extensive research and development across our product range it’s time to showcase what we have available to our customers across the world”.

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The search for innovative designs, an eye for detail, and advanced manufacturing techniques has seen PBSC gain a deserved reputation as the premier supplier within cleanroom and high containment environments. Committed to providing customers throughout the world with safe, accurate, quality products and services, PBSC ensures the undue risk of contamination.
